A Rudabányai- és Aggteleki-hegység szerkezetföldtani vizsgálata = Structural geological research of the Rudabánya and Aggtelek Mts.

A Rudabanyai- es Aggteleki-hegysegben szerkezeti, metamorf kőzettani, geokronologiai es őslenytani megfigyelesek, adatok alapjan uj szerkezeti kepet keszitettunk es uj szerkezetfejlődesi modellt allitottunk fel. A hegysegeket a nem metamorf Aggteleki- es Bodvai-sorozat, valamint az anchizonas metamorfozist szenvedett jura (Telekesoldali) sorozat(ok) es az epizonas-anchizonas atalakultsagu Tornai-sorozatok epitik fel. A metamorfozis es a vele egyutt jaro tobbfazisu keplekeny deformacio a kreta időszak legelejen mehetett vegbe. Ezt kovetően a metamorf sorozatok a nem metamorf egysegek talpa kozelebe kerultek. Mintegy 110 es 90 millio evek kozott a metamorf es nem metamorf egysegek sorrendje tobbszor atrendeződott, es uj takarok jottek letre. A miocenben a Rudabanyai-hegysegben, es az azt magaba foglalo Darno-zonaban 3 toreses deformacios fazis erintette a kőzeteket, melyek a hegyseg DK-i zonajaban pikkelyeket, balos eltolodast hoztak letre. | On the basis of new structural, metamorphic petrological, geochronological and paleontological data a new structural geometry and evolution have been suggested for the Rudabanya and Aggtelek Hills. The area is composed of the non-metamorphosed Aggtelek and Bodva nappes and the Jurassic (Telekesoldal) and Triassic (Torna) series which suffered high-temperature anchi- to epizonal metamorphism, respectively. The metamorphism and the associated multiphase ductile deformation occurred probably in the beginning of the Cretaceous. After that the metamorphosed units were exhumed and placed at the base of non-metamorphosed units. Between 110 and 90 Ma the structural order of the metamorphosed and non-metamorphosed units were reorganized in several steps and new nappes formed. In the Miocene the Rudabanya Hills and the wider Darno Zone were affected by 3 phases of brittle deformation, which resulted in the formation of scales and sinistral strike-slip faults along the SE boundary zone of the Rudabanya Hills.
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