Extension of geographical distribution of three common species of diurnal butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) from the Colombian Caribbean

espanolEn este documento se registran tres especies comunes de mariposas diurnas de la region Caribe colombiana (Aides dysoni, Calpodes ethliusy Anteos clorinde). Los especimenes fueron capturados con red entomologica en muestreos realizados en el municipio de Arjona (departamento de Bolivar) en el ano de 2015 entre las 8:00 y 16:00 horas. Paracadauna de ellas se proporcionan caracteres morfologicos utiles para su reconocimiento y se complementa su distribucion en el Neotropico. EnglishIn this document we extend the geographical distribution for three common species of diurnal butterflies from the Colombian Caribbean region (Aides dysoni, Calpodes ethlius, and Anteos clorinde). The specimens were captured with an insect net in samplings conducted in the Arjona jurisdiction (BolivarDeparment) in 2015, between 8:00 and 16:00 hours. For each of them we provide important morphological charactersfor their recognition, and complement their distribution in the Neotropic
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