Comunidade Indígena Nasa: Gênese histórica da construção de uma pedagogia própria

The text presents a historical synthesis of the origin of the Own Education Project of the indigenous Nasa people of Colombia, through four characters, three individual and one collective: La Cacica La Gaitana, Juan Tama, Manuel Quintin Lame and the Consejo Regional Indigena del Cauca - CRIC. The methodology focuses on a documentary and bibliographic review of authors linked to the Cauca indigenous movement. In the historic struggle for the recovery of territory, identity and life, Nasa people discover the fundamental value of ancestry and history as teachers and education as a methodology. The decolonial perspective associated with the elaborations of Mignolo (2007), Dussel (1994) and Walsh (2013), is key to dimensioning the meaning of its struggle in the face of the violence that invades its territory and highlighting the transcendence of its epistemological reconstruction.
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