In 2002, the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM) released the Top-To-Bottom Review of cognizant clean-up activities around the DOE Complex. The review contained a number of recommendations for changing the way EM operates in order to reduce environmental risk by significantly accelerating clean-up at the DOE-EM sites. In order to develop and implement these recommendations, a number of corporate project teams were formed to identify, evaluate, and initiate implementation of alternatives for the different aspects of clean-up. In August 2002, a corporate team was formed to review all aspects of the management, treatment, and disposal of low level radioactive waste (LLW), mixed low level radioactive waste (MLLW), transuranic waste (TRU), and hazardous waste (HW). Over the next 21 months, the Corporate Project Team: Disposing Waste, Reducing Risk, developed a number of alternatives for implementing the recommendations of the Top-To-Bottom Review based on information developed during numerous site visits and interviews with complex and industry personnel. With input from over a dozen EM sites at various stages of clean-up, the team identified the barriers to the treatment and disposal of low level waste, mixed low level waste, and transuranic waste. Once identified, preliminary design alternatives weremore » developed and presented to the Acquisition Authority (for this project, the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management) for review and approval. Once the preliminary design was approved, the team down selected to seven key alternatives which were subsequently fully developed in the Project Execution Plan. The seven most viable alternatives were: (1) creation of an Executive Waste Disposal Board; (2) projectizing the disposal of low level waste and mixed low level waste; (3) creation of a National Consolidation and Acceleration Facility for waste; (4) improvements to the Broad Spectrum contract; (5) improvements to the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Incinerator contract and operations; (6) development of a policy for load management of waste shipments to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP); and (7) development of a complex-wide fee incentive for transuranic waste disposal. The alternatives were further refined and a plan developed for institutionalizing the alternatives in various site contracts. In order to focus the team's efforts, all team activities were conducted per the principles of DOE Order 413.3, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets. Although the Order was developed for construction projects, the principles were adapted for use on this ''soft'' project in which the deliverables were alternatives for the way work was performed. The results of the team's investigation and the steps taken during the project are presented along with lessons learned.« less
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