Environmental contamination and public health effects of electronic waste: an overview

In recent years, electronic waste has become the fastest growing waste stream globally with potential deleterious environmental and public health effects from its hazardous constituents. This review aims at providing an up-to-date information on the environmental and public health effects of e- wastes, and also identify research gaps that could form basis of further innovative studies on this important subject. We carried out literature survey using several search engines. All available literature which reported directly on environmental contamination of air, soil, and water by e-wastes, and their effects on exposed plants, animals, and humans were used in other to generate an updated information. High production volume coupled with indiscriminate disposal and informal recycling has made electronic waste (e-waste) to become a global public and environmental health issue. E-waste is made up of different hazardous substances such as heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants with the capacity to contaminate the environment if processed or recycled inappropriately. Humans and animals become exposed to e-waste constituents via ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Several health effects have been linked to e-wastes. The most susceptible were children, pregnant women, and workers in primitive recycling sites. Generation of e-waste is predicted to increase drastically in the next decade with the potential complex interactive effects of its constituents. This review is an up-to-date assessment of studies and reports on e-waste environmental contamination and public health effects. The review has shown that e-waste contains constituents that caused adverse environmental effects and toxicity to the biota. However, there is an enormous data gap between exposure quantification and possible health effects. More studies are needed to elucidate and provide holistic information on environmental and public health dangers posed by e-waste constituents.
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