Why is isolated spleen metastasis a rare entity? ‹zole dalak metastaz› niçin nadir bir durumdur?

Dala¤›n primer ve metastatik tumorleri lenfoma tutulumu d›- fl›nda yayg›n olmayan bir durumdur. Klinisyenler, dier organ tumorlerinden kaynaklanan izole dalak metastaz›yla nadiren karfl›lafl›rlar. Biz burada 59 yafl›nda c›kan kolon kanserinden kaynaklanan erkek bir olguyu sunduk. Hasta T3N1M0 c›kan kolon tumoru nedeni ile sahemikolektomi gecirmiflti. Ameliyat sonras› takiplerde serum karsino-embriyonik antijen duzeyleri- nin artt›¤› fark edildi. Ard›ndan kar›n bilgisayarl› tomografisi cekildi ve 4 cm cap›nda dalak tumoru goruldu. Hastaya kura- tif splenektomi yap›ld›. Patolojik cal›flma adenokarsinom me- tastaz› olduunu dorulad›. Olgumuzun ilginc yan› dalak me- tastaz›n›n ozellikle c›kan kolondan kaynaklanm›fl olmas›d›r. Olgumuz literaturde c›kan kolondan kaynaklanan izole dalak metastazl› ucuncu olgudur. Anahtar kelimeler: Dalak, metastaz, c›kan kolon Primary and metastatic tumors of the spleen are uncommon, excluding involvement by lymphoma. Isolated spleen metastasis from other organs is a rare incident. Herein, we report the case of a 59-year-old man who developed isolated splenic metastasis from ascending colon cancer. The patient underwent right he- micolectomy for T3N1M0 tumor of the ascending colon. During the postoperative follow-up, increasing serum level of carcino- embryonic antigen was observed. Furthermore, abdominal com- puted tomography scan showed a splenic tumor measuring 4 cm. Curative splenectomy was performed. Pathologic investiga- tion confirmed the adenocarcinoma metastasis. The interesting point of our report is that the spleen metastasis arose from the ascending colon. This report is the third described case in the li- terature of isolated spleen metastasis from a right colon carci- noma.
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