PG96 Socially distanced simulation: adapting the one heart kids course to COVID-19 using remote attendance and real-time digital simulation support materials

Background One Heart Kids is a regional multi-disciplinary simulation course for Paediatric Intensive Care (PICU) doctors and nurses focused on the management of patients with congenital cardiac disease. The course was founded in February 2020 to enhance clinical safety for a particularly complex and often unique patient group whilst responding to the training needs of staff from a range of specialties. The restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic made it necessary to adapt the delivery of this essential teaching which we did through the introduction of novel, multi-modal technological interfaces. Summary of Work Social distancing restrictions meant that it was not possible for all participants to attend ‘in-person’ and so we applied novel techniques to maximise participation whilst minimising the risk to attendees and faculty. A limited number attended in person whilst the other candidates were able to attend remotely via WebEx. This was supplemented by the use of a WhatsApp group to allow simulation support documents, e.g. ECGs and X-rays, to be shared in real-time with those watching both on-site and remotely. Summary of Results All candidates, remote and on-site, found the simulation scenarios realistic and well-organised. All agreed that the WhatsApp materials were beneficial, with 78% strongly agreeing. Candidate confidence in dealing with the clinical scenarios increased from 33% to 89% and all participants strongly agreed that the course was of high quality and useful for future PICU staff. Table 1 shows a summary of feedback comments on the WhatsApp integration and remote attendance. Discussion and Conclusions The changes we had to make to the course allowed us to discover how technology can enhance both simulation practice and candidate experience. Simulation teaching must keep pace with the realities of modern medical practice and the sharing of materials via mobile devices was natural to candidates and integrated seamlessly. The lack of printed materials also provides an infection control benefit. Allowing remote attendees improved access to the course, especially for those who lived long distances from the simulation centre. Finally, the need for social distancing and compulsory wearing of face masks actually enhanced the authenticity of the scenarios as this is mandatory in clinical practice. Recommendations All existing courses should consider how these methods might aid in the delivery of essential education during the COVID–19 pandemic Allow a remote attendance option for candidates who cannot feasibly attend in person, for example those who are post–nights
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