Black Cohosh [known as both Actaea racemosa L. and Cimicifuga racemosa L.]: Scientific Evaluation for Suspected Liver Toxicity

To scientifically determine from the published scientific and clinical literature, if black cohosh also known as Actaea racemosa L. and Cimicifuga racemosa L. is indicated in liver toxicity. Structured Abstract Study Question: What is the level of evidence that demonstrates that black cohosh has a hepatoxic effect on the liver or may induce liver injury? Report Design Medical and Scientific Literature Review: All animal and human studies. Biochemical Analyses: NMR analyses of commercial preparations containing Black cohosh. For samples provided see Appendix C and D. Study Particulars A systematic search of three databases namely, PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane library was conducted to identify relevant literature. LV, SB and SC independently abstracted the data from the eligible studies for this report.
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