Structural Finite Element Analysis ofStiffened and Honeycomb Panels oftheRASATSatellite

SFF andEFF aremeshedwithhexelements andthe Thispaperdescribes thestructural analysis carried outon honeycomb panels aremeshedwithsolid brick andshell themainstiffened andhoneycomb panels oftheRASAT elements. Forthecalculated gRMSvalue thestatic analysis had satellite. Theanalysis heresupports thedesign process and beenconducted ineachaxisofthepanel assembly. Forthe aimstoensure that thepanels survive structural qualification dynamic case, thesamefinite element meshandmaterial testing. Thisanalysis therefore formspartoftheoverall properties hadbeenused. Inthis case, theboundary conditions qualification process. Thestiffened andhoneycomb panelsareapplied insuch awaytodetermine themodeshapes andthe being considered inthis document formtheouter boxstructure resonance frequencies. Furthermore, thestress values hadbeen ofthesatellite. These panels consist ofthespace-facing facetdetermined withrespect totheapplied static anddynamic (SFF), solar panels including solar cells andearth facing facetloading cases. Theyhadbeencompared withtheallowable (EFF). Allthese panels arekeyparts ofthesatellite's structure stress values ofthematerials. Inthis paper thecomplete finite andarecritical tomission safety. Theseparation panel is element analyses procedures aredescribed andtheresults of particularly highly loaded, since itsupports thebattery pack,theanalyses arepresented. According tothecomputed results, reaction wheels, gyromodule, magnetorquer rodsandsun someconclusions aredrawninorder toguide experimental sensors. Theseparation panel alsosupports thesolar panelqualification tests. assembly. Thesolar panels arealso ofcritical importance, their integrity maintaining therequired powersupply tooperate the satellite's electronic systems. Asbeing different fromtheSFF
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