
Taiwan’s major financial institutions and automobile companies vied with one another to enter the passenger car leasing business after the Ministry of Communications and Transportation on May 7, 2003 put C-class passenger cars and compact cargo trucks on the list of automobile leasing that, at the time, included only A- and B-class passenger cars and the Ministry again revised the rule on Aug. 30, 2004 relieving leasing companies of the obligation to acquire parking spaces for cars leased for more than one year. The new measure increased competition among the leasing companies. It became critical for them to create greater market value through service innovation. This paper studies service innovation, normative evaluation, service quality and customer satisfaction to gain a better understanding of the evaluation and indicators of service innovation and other aspects of the car leasing business. It is expected that the research results will serve as a basis for the auto leasing companies to prepare comprehensive innovation and customer satisfaction guidelines. The study, we issued 500 copies of questionnaires and retrieved 341 copies including 275 effective ones, and it attempts to explain the structural framework by establishing evaluation indicators through five analytical processes involving descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression analysis and linear structure relation (LISREL) analysis. Based on the experiential results of comparing the statistics and analyses, the paper concludes: 1. Service innovation is attractive. It has a positive influence on normative evaluation. 2. Stable service quality, which boosts a company’s caring image, has a positive impact on customer satisfaction. 3. THE BETTER SERVICE INNOVATION MEETS CUSTOMER NEEDS, THE MORE POSITIVELY IT WILL INFLUENCE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. 4. Customers’ rational purchasing behavior that agrees with the normative evaluation will have a positive impact on service quality and customer satisfaction. 5. Stable and quality service will have a positive impact on customer satisfaction. 6. The more a company’s service innovation meets its own requirements of normative evaluation, the more positively such innovation will affect customer satisfaction. 7. Comprehensive service innovation as well as stable and quality service will have a positive impact on customer satisfaction. 8. The more closely customers link normative evaluation to their experience of service quality, the more positively it will affect customer satisfaction.
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