Pulsed 95 GHz high-field EPR heterodyne spectrometer with high spectral and time resolution

Various time resolved EPR methods are applied to different test samples to demonstrate the abilities of pulsed high-field EPR spectroscopy. Two-pulse-echo field swept EPR spectroscopy on a nitroxide radical shows the increased spectral resolution by separating different spin systems by their relaxation properties. Additionally N14 electron-spin-echo-envelope-modulation (ESEEM) is observed for these systems at fields as high as 3.5 T. Thus, the N14 hyperfine interaction couplings can be probed by ESEEM and pulsed ENDOR (electron-nuclear-double-resonance) experiments. The sensitivity of pulsed ENDOR experiments is compared with cw-ENDOR. The different linewidths and amplitudes of the two methods are discussed. Transient nutation experiments on light induced triplet states demonstrate the high sensitivity and time resolution of high-field pulsed EPR. The sensitivity and time resolution of our 95 GHz spectrometer are determined and compared with pulsed X-band EPR spectrometer performances.
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