Optimization the Work of Soil for the Cultivation of Afila Peas in Turda Area

By applying minimum tillage system are reduced degradation by erosion, increase organic matter, it restores the soil structure and through the introduction of legumes in rotation ensure a higher nitrogen quantity to crops which are in rotation. Research conducted at SCDA Turda in 2014 following the behavior of four varieties of afila peas in two soil tillage system (classical-with mould plow and with minimum tillage-the chisel variant) and the effect of tillage on the momentary and accessible water reserve from the soil. In the minimum tillage system with chisel obtained a very significant difference of production compared to the classic system (88g/m2) at green peas, and if mature pea beans the difference of -27 kg/ha obtained in variant with chisel being insignificant. Through the application of the minimum tillage system at pea get an important economy of 28.4% in terms of fuel costs (337.2 ron/ha) compared to the classic tillage system application (471 ron/ha). For producing a 1 ton peas in classical system is necessary to 21.9 l/t fuel consumption and fuel costs of 131.6 ron/t, higher than minimum tillage system were fuel consumption are 15.8 l/t with fuel costs of 94.9 ron/t.
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