Presence of the cytosolic factor stimulating the import of precursor of mitochondrial proteins in rabbit reticulocytes and rat liver cells

Abstract Previously we purified a cytosolic factor that stimulates the import of the extrapeptide (the synthetic peptide of the presequence of ornithine aminotransferase) into the mitochondrial matrix (Ono, H., and Tuboi, S., 1988, J. Biol. Chem. 263, 3188–3193). In this work this cytosolic factor was shown also to stimulate the import of the precursors of ornithine aminotransferase, a large subunit of succinate dehydrogenase, and sulfite oxidase. The amounts of these precursors bound to the outer mitochondrial membrane were increased by this cytosolic factor, suggesting that the cytosolic factor participates in the recognition step in the import process of the precursor protein. When the cytosolic factor was applied to an ATP-agarose column, the import-stimulating activity was recovered entirely in the unadsorbed fraction. Immunochemical studies showed that in these conditions the 70-kDa heat shock-related protein (Hsp 70) was present exclusively in the fraction adsorbed to the ATP-agarose column. The cytosolic factor is thus different from the 70-kDa heat shock-related protein, which was identified as a factor required for the import of mitochondrial proteins in yeast. The cytosolic factor was also detected in the cytosol of rat liver cells, and a considerable amount of this factor was recovered from rat liver mitochondria by washing them with high salt buffer, suggesting that the cytosolic factor has affinity to the outer mitochondrial membrane and binds to its receptor on the membrane. From these results, we conclude that the cytosolic factor forms a complex with the precursor of mitochondrial protein and then this complex binds to the outer mitochondrial membrane, probably via the receptor of the cytosolic factor.
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