Diferensiasi Keadaan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Pada Kawasan Industri Semen Indonesia Unit III Di Desa Sumberarum Kecamatan Kerek

Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Sumberarum Kecamatan Kerek dengan tujuan: (1) menganalisis perbedaan keadaan sosial ekonomi antara penduduk yang bekerja terkait dengan Industri Semen Indonesia Unit III dengan yang bekerja tidak terkait dengan Industri Semen Indonesia Unit III di Desa Sumberarum Kecamatan Kerek, dan (2) menganalisis Kontribusi antara Industri Semen Indonesia Unit III dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat di Desa Sumberarum Kecamatan Kerek. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan rancangan deskriptif dengan sampel sebesar 20% dari populasi yang diambil secara proporsional random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, kuesioner, dan pencatatan dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan geografi yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kelingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Terdapat perbedaan keadaan sosial ekonomi antara penduduk yang bekerja terkait dengan industri semen dengan penduduk yang bekerja tidak terkait dengan Industri Semen Indonesia Unit III di Desa Sumberarum. Perbedaan keadaan sosial ekonomi tersebut dilihat dari tingkat pendidikan, pendapatan, pekerjaan, dan rumah tinggal. (2) Terdapat kontribusi antara industri semen dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi penduduk yang bekerja di industri semen dengan yang bekerja di luar industri semen. Hal ini ditekankan pada kontribusi dalam bidang pendidikan, pendapatan, pekerjaan, dan rumah tinggal. Terdapat kontribusi di 4 indikator tersebut namun tidak terlalu besar. Kata Kunci : Perbedaan Keadaan Sosial Ekonomi, Industri Semen Indonesia Unit III, Kontribusi The research was carried out in the village of Sumberarum Sub-district Kerek with purpose: (1) analyze the socio-economic circumstances of difference between the population who work related to the cement industry Indonesia Unit III with the work not related to the cement industry Indonesia Unit III in the village of Sumberarum Sub-district Kerek, and (2) analyse the interrelationship between the cement industry Indonesia Unit III with the socio-economic conditions of people in the village of Sumberarum Sub-district Kerek. Draft research using descriptive design with a sample of 20% of the population were analyzed quantitatively. The sample is determined by lottery. Data collected with the techniques of observation, questionnaires, and the recording of documents. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis with geographical approach used is the kelingkungan approach. The results showed: (1) there is a difference between the socioeconomic circumstances of residents who work related to the cement industry with residents who work not related to the cement industry Indonesia Unit III in the village of Sumberarum. The difference in the socio-economic circumstances as seen from the level of education, income, occupation, and home living. But in this case for the job (employment status) and the House (house building area) showed no difference in socio-economic circumstances, and (2) there are linkages between the cement industry with socio-economic activity of the population working in the cement industry by working outside the cement industry. This interconnectedness is emphasized on the contributions in the areas of education, income, jobs, and home living. There are contributions on the indicator 4 but not too large keyword : Socio-Economic Circumstances Of The Difference, The Cement Industry Indonesia Unit III, Social Economic Activity Population
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