Public health impact of Rotarix vaccination among commercially insured children in the United States

Abstract Background This study (NCT01915888) assessed public health impact of Rotarix , GSK [RV1] vaccination. Methods Children born between 2007–2011 were identified from Truven Commercial Claims and Encounters Databases and observed until earlier of plan disenrollment or five years old. Children receiving one or two doses of RV1 during the vaccination window were assigned to incomplete and complete vaccination cohorts, respectively. Children without rotavirus (RV) vaccination (RV1 OR RotaTeq, Merck & Co., Inc. [RV5]) were assigned to the unvaccinated cohort. Claims with International Classification of Disease 9th edition (ICD-9) codes for diarrhea and RV infections were identified. First RV episode incidence, RV-related and diarrhea-related healthcare resource utilization were compared. Multivariate Poisson regression with generalized estimating equations was used to generate 95% confidence intervals (CIs) around incidence rate ratios (IRR) between cohorts while adjusting for gender, age and calendar year. Mean costs for first RV and diarrhea episodes were calculated with adjustment for gender and birth year; bootstrapping was used to determine statistically significant differences between cohorts. Results Incidence of first RV episodes was significantly reduced in complete and incomplete vaccination cohorts compared to the unvaccinated cohort (IRR = 0.17 [95%CI: 0.09–0.30] and IRR = 0.19 [95%CI: 0.06–0.58], respectively). RV-related inpatient, outpatient and emergency room (ER) visits were significantly lower for complete vaccination versus unvaccinated cohort. Diarrhea-related inpatient and ER visit rates were significantly lower for complete vaccination versus unvaccinated cohorts; outpatient rates were similar. RV-related and diarrhea-related resource utilization rates were significantly lower or no different for incomplete vaccination versus unvaccinated cohort. Compared with unvaccinated children, adjusted mean cost for first RV episode and first diarrhea episode per 1000 persons was $11,511 (95%CI: $9855-$12,024) and $46,772 (95%CI: $26,268-$66,604) lower, respectively, for completely vaccinated children. Conclusions RV1 vaccination confers benefits in reduction of RV incidence, RV- and diarrhea-related healthcare resource utilization, and RV- and diarrhea-related healthcare costs.
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