Chairman Beebe called the meeting to order. The following members of the Council and Committee Chairmen were present: Messrs. Hamilton K. Beebe, Paul Bermingham, William N. Bonner, Gordon R. Carpenter, Alfred C. DeCrane, Jr., Northcutt Ely, Carroll L. Gilliam, W. Howard Gray, John B. Howerton, Carl Illig, Robert B. Krueger, Jesse P. Luton, Jr., L. Clair Nelson, William C. Perry, David R. Phipps, Sherman S. Poland, John H. Tippit, and A. W. Walker, Jr. Mr. Illig moved that the reading of the minutes of the Council held in Phoenix, Arizona on February 5, 1967 be waived. The motion was seconded and passed. Mr. DeCrane submitted the financial report, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein. The cause of the apparent deficit was discussed. At the request of the Chairman, Mr. DeCrane was to investigate to determine if items in the financial report attributable to the Marine Resources Institute should not in fact be excluded and, as a result, the Section show a surplus of approximately $1,000 for the current year's activity. Subsequent investigation by Mr. DeCrane disclosed that the financial report was incorrect and that the Section had a surplus for the current year. The financial report has been revised to show the current financial position. In light of the status of the financial report, there was discussion of the extent of expenses which should be reimbursed for attendees at the Midwinter Council meeting. Mr. Tippit moved that for a period of one year the Section experiment with reimbursing only for round trip coach air fare. The motion was seconded and passed. Chairman Beebe asked Mr. DeCrane to advise all members of the Council and Committee Chairmen of this decision.
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