Associations among individual gilt birth weight, litter birth weight phenotype and the efficiency of replacement gilt production.

Selection for larger litter size has increased the number of individual low birth weight pigs (BWi) and produced sows with a repeatable low average litter birth weight phenotype (BWP). Using an average of 3.6 litters records per sow, BWP was established in 644 nucleus-multiplication sows producing replacement gilts in a large commercial operation and classified as low (L-BWP, 1.35 kg, n = 309) on the basis of a BWi of 1.18 kg below which there was a high risk of early mortality and the average BWi (1.35 kg) for the population. In subsequent litters, potential replacement gilts born to these sows (n = 7341) received a unique identification tag that allowed the impact of BWi, BWP and their interactions on the efficiency of replacement gilt production to be evaluated. Negative effects of BWi on mortality until d 4 after birth were confirmed (P < 0.05) and cumulative losses to weaning, to d 70 of age, and to final pre-selection at 165 d of age were affected (P ≤ 0.05) by the interaction between BWP and BWi. Among the 2035 gilts for which records for selection efficiency and production to fourth parity were available, a lower BWi decreased the probability of gilts reaching pubertal estrus (P < 0.05) after 21 and 28 d of boar stimulation starting at 180 d of age, with no effect of BWP. Overall, neither BWi, BWP, nor their interaction, affected age at puberty. After breeding, only the main effect of BWP affected productivity and retention in the sow herd. In parities 1 and 2, percent stillborn was higher in litters born to gilts from H-BWP compared to L-BWP dams (P < 0.05) and in parity 2, total born and born alive was lower in sows derived from H-BWP compared to other BWPs. There were no differences in retention based on BWP classes until Parity 2, after which retention tended (P ≤ 0.09) to be lower in sows derived from H-BWP compared to L-BWP dams. These results provide evidence that sow birth weight phenotype is an important factor in the overall efficiency of replacement gilt management. This study also confirms that effective gilt selection and pre-breeding management protocols support excellent sow lifetime productivity and mitigate the risk of a high BWP in the litter of origin affecting retention in the breeding herd.
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