A Randomized Controlled Trial of Multiple Tailored Messages for Smoking Cessation Among Callers to the Cancer Information Service

ABSTRACT Self-help materials computer-tailored to the specific needs of smokers have shown promise as a high-reach, low-cost intervention for smoking cessation. Adding tailored cessation materials to telephone-based cessation counseling may be a way of generating greater efficacy in promoting and maintaining cessation. The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of adding different types of behavioral smoking cessation materials to brief telephone-based cessation counseling. A total of 1,978 smokers calling the National Cancer Institute's (NCI's) Cancer Information Service (CIS) for help in quitting smoking initially received brief cognitive–behavioral cessation counseling from a CIS information specialist. Following a baseline interview administered by the information specialist, subjects were randomly assigned to one of four conditions, each delivered by U.S. mail: a single, untailored smoking cessation guide (SU); a single, tailored smoking cessation guide (ST); a series of four (multiple) pr...
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