Experimental study of radiomodifying properties of N-stearoilethanolamine under a combined impact of ionizing radiation and stress.

: Meta roboty – doslidyty v eksperymenti radiomodyfikujuchi vlastyvosti N-stearoi'letanolaminu (NSE) za riznyh umov kombinovanoi' dii' ionizujuchogo vyprominennja i stresu. Metody: biohimichni, statystychni. Rezul'taty. Vstanovleni radiomodyfikujuchi vlastyvosti NSE za riznyh umov kombinovanoi' dii' ionizujuchogo vyprominennja i stresu za pokaznykamy koncentracii' v plazmi krovi TBK-aktyvnyh produktiv, nitryt-anionu ta aktyvnistju katalazy. Vysnovky. Vyjavleni radiozahysni vlastyvosti NSE pry jogo vvedenni v dozi 10,0 mg/kg masy do ta pislja odnorazovogo total'nogo oprominennja tvaryn v dozi 6,0 Gr. Vstanovleni zahysni vlastyvosti NSE pry jogo vvedenni v dozi 10,0 mg/kg masy tvaryn do ta pislja stresu. Vyjavleni radiosensybilizujuchi vlastyvosti NSE pry vvedenni preparatu v dozi 10,0 mg/kg pered kombinovanoju dijeju ionizujuchogo vyprominennja v dozi 6,0 Gr i stresu. METHODS: biochemical, statistical. RESULTS: The radiomodifying properties of N-stearoilethanolamine were revealed under different conditions of a combined impact of ionizing radiation and stress according to the indices of plasma concentrations of TBA-active products, nitrite-anions and catalase activity. CONCLUSIONS: The radioprotective properties of NSE at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg before and after a single total 6.0 Gy irradiation of animals. The radioprotective properties of NSE are identified at a dose of 10.0 mg/kg of animal bodyweight before and after stress. The radiosensitizing properties of NSE occur upon the drug administration in a dose of 10.0 mg/kg before the combined impact of 6.0 Gy ionizing radiation and stress.
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