Management of cor triatriatum dexter by balloon dilatation in three dogs

Two dogs, one immature and one adult, were presented with a history of progressive ascites. In a third, immature dog, increasing exercise intolerance had been noted. Echocardiography demonstrated a partition in the right atrium (cor triatriatum dexter) and echocontrast studies documented normal flow from the cranial vena cava into the right atrium and ventricle. A saphenous vein contrast study demonstrated flow from the caudal vena cava into an accessory right atrial chamber (sinus venarum). The sinus venarum communicated with the true right atrium via a small defect in the atrial membrane in one dog, and additionally with the left atrium via a right-to- left shunting foramen ovale in the other dogs. All defects were visualised on angiographic studies by selective catheterisation of the caudal vena cava via the femoral vein. Balloon dilatation of the defect was then performed using a small followed by a larger balloon angioplasty catheter to enlarge the defect in the atrial membrane. Clinical signs improved within days and were sustained in the long term in all cases.
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