Nine years of practical experience with phenylamide resistance in Phytophthora infestans in the Netherlands

Resistance to phenylamide fungicides in thePhytophthora infestans population in the Netherlands decreased from a level of 77% of the samples containing resistant strains in 1980 to 0% in 1986 with decreasing use of metalaxyl, the only phenylamide fungicide registered for use against late blight in this country. Use of metalaxyl decreased because the fungicide alone and combinations of metalaxyl with preventive late blight fungicides were not commercially available from 1981 through the first part of the potato growing season of 1984. When metalaxyl was made available again in August 1984 in a mixture with mancozeb and from 1985 in a mixture with almost full rates of maneb and fentinacetate its use remained limited because growers were advised to apply the combination only two times per season in critical situations only to control the severe late blight epidemics of 1984 and 1985. Moreover application on seed potato crops was not allowed. In 1986 the combination was hardly used because the mild epidemic was easily controlled by preventive compounds only.
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