Individual variability of external structure and topography of human ciliary ganglion

: Individual differences of gastroduodenal transition shape, dimensions and structure were studied using histo-topographic preparations from 45 human cadavers, 60 intravital X-ray photographs and findings from 55 endoscopic examinations. The range of differences in the position of gastroduodenal mucosal junction on pyloric duodenal and gastric surfaces, was established. Muscular, muscular-submucosal and muscular-glandular types of gastroduodenal transition were distinguished. The morphological parameters of the differences of pyloric wall shape and dimensions were defined. Endoscopically, the dimension of pyloric orifice was classified as small, medium and large while its shape was described as round, oval, triangular or polygonal. Clinical applications of the data obtained were determined. Gastroduodenal transition is described as a complex, individually variable anatomical structure with clinically significant differences of its major structural components.
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