Integração de tecnologias digitais no ensino de enfermagem: criação de um caso clínico sobre úlceras por pressão com o software SIACC

The health care demands more and more professionals with reflexive critical thinking and decision-making habilities. Therefore, is a challenge to educators to implement active learning methodologies that are befitting with the technology development today. Thus, the goal of this article is to present the development of a simulation of a clinical case using the software titled SIACC (Sistema Interdisciplinar de Analise de Casos Clinicos – interdisciplinary system for analysis of clinical cases) to improve the study of nursing fundamentals. The process to simulate clinical case with the SIACC was divided in two steps: information register and the case setting in the software. The pilot project about “pressure ulcers” includes pictures, videos, articles and exercises to facilitate the learning of the theme by the student. The results ratify that the use of clinical simulation through that software in nursing education facilitates the correlation between theory and clinical experiences, enabling the student to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that are fundamental to nursing care.
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