Сравнительная оценка гепатозащитной активности флавоноидов при курсовой алкоголизации у крыс

Alcohol abuse is widespread and is a serious medical and social problem throughout the world especially in the USA and Europe countries including Russia. Alcohol influences negatively all organs. However liver is the most amenable to its action, because it is in liver where oxidation of ethanol takes place. In the experiments on white outbreed female rats hepatoprotective action of medical and preventive application of diosmin and flavicin in comparison with quercetine by the capacity of biological indices of functional liver state normalization on the model of course alcoholization. We have established that flavicin at a dose of 100 mg/kg has the most signified hepatoprotective action. This is probably connected with high bioaccessibility of this compound which is provided by carbohydrate component and С2-С3 linking in diosmin molecule in the form of which this compound exhibits activity in vivo
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