Signal Power Distribution in Time Delay in Tokyo City Experimental Sites

This paper presents experiments carried out in the city of Tokyo in two types of built-up environments; one is characterized by a straight-crossing street plan with buildings randomly lining along the streets and the terminal antennas located at the LOS and quasi- LOS conditions along the streets. The second built up area is characterized by the same grid of straight crossing streets, but with clutter (NLOS) conditions caused by the railway station and administrative buildings surrounding the terminal antennas. The time delay signal strength distributions obtained experimentally are presented for both multipath urban channels. Our theoretical framework is presented briefly based on the corresponding crossing-street waveguide model based on the Poisson statistics for buildings lining randomly along each street. A comparison between the proposed theoretical model and experimental data is presented and a satisfactory agreement between the theoretical and experimental prediction of signal power distribution in the time domain is found. (11 pages)
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