Utilización de AINES y uso de IBP profilácticos en pacientes de medicina interna The Use of NSAIDs Combined with Prophylactic Use of PPIs for Internal Medicine Patients

Introduction: Adverse gastrointestinal events related to non-steroid anti-infl ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which are frequently prescribed in medical practice increase morbidity and mortality. These can be reduced through prophylactic use of proton pump inhibitors proton pump (PPIs) or misoprostol anti H2. Objective: The objecti- ve of this study was to estimate the prevalence of NSAIDs use in a population of internal medicine outpatients and to determine the frequency of prophylactic prescriptions of PPIs for patients at risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Methods: This was a prospective and analytical study of prevalence among patients over 18 years of age in the Internal Medicine outpatient service at the Hospital San Carlos in Bogota. Patients who consume NSAIDs were classifi ed into three risk groups based on traditionally described risk factors for gastrointestinal bleeding. Results: Thirty percent of the 140 enrolled patients were taking NSAIDs. 47.6 % (n = 20) were classifi ed in the low risk group, 28.5 % (n = 12) in the intermediate-risk group and 23.8 % (n = 10) in the high risk group. 47% (20 patients) of those taking NSAIDs were simultaneously taking PPIs. Eighty percent of the high risk group, 50% of the intermediate-risk group, and 30% of the low risk group were taking PPIs. Conclusion: PPIs were prescribed more frequently for high risk patients in this study population (80%) than has been that reported in international publications (less than 50%). The prescription of PPIs for 30% of the low risk patients is unnecessary.
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