Новый зоотехнический критерий производственной оценки срока использованиямолочных коров в стаде

The research to conduct for the purpose of increase in herd by time of use a dairy cow at the account of optimization of cycles times of growing and reproduction. Optimization of cycles is reached by introduction of estimated criterion ratio effectiveness use (REU) an animal. Groupings of data on productive and economic parameters of 282 cows of Simmental breed are analyses. Such parameters as a live weight, age of the first calving, an average, highest and lifelong milk yield, number of calvings, leaving date from herd, the prime cost and the price selling of meat and milk are considered. On the basis of the general expenses by two cycles of animal use the gross revenue, profit (loss), level of profitability (recoupment) are calculated. Positive and reliable correlation between REU with such parameters of a cow as a lifelong milk yield, number of calvings, age in lactations, age in months (r=0.78-0.84), the highest and average milk yield (r=0.32-0.51) is received, as well as with economic indicators of production: profit, profitability, the gross revenue and the general expenses (r=0.78-0,88). Negative dependence between REU and age of first calving (r =-0.37), and growing cost (r =-0.30) is found out. The REU with upsurge from 0,4 to 0,9, time of cow use in herd increased from 16,7 to 30,0 months, profitability raised with -0,2 to 4,3%, and at REU from above 1,6 production cycle of a cow made 48,8-53,0 months at level of profitability 8,4-10,1%. Thus, the new estimated zootechnical criterion of dairy cow efficiency is directed at search of best animal by level of lucrative production of milk and life term.
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