Effect of ILV6 Deletion and Expression of aldB from Lactobacillus plantarum in Saccharomyces uvarum on Diacetyl Production and Wine Flavor

Diacetyl generates an aromatic off-flavor in wine at a high level. The present study expressed α-acetolactate decarboxylase (ALDB) from Lactobacillus plantarum and/or inactivated acetohydroxyacid synthase (Ilv6) in Saccharomyces uvarum, and the effects on diacetyl production and wine flavor in mutants were investigated through sequential fermentation and cofermentation in mixed cultures of S. uvarum and L. plantarum. The diacetyl content of WYDΔ6 (disrupted one ILV6 allele), WYSΔ6 (ILV6 complete deletion), WYADΔ6 (disrupted one ILV6 allele with aldB expression), and WYASΔ6 (ILV6 complete deletion with aldB expression) decreased by 25.71%, 41.30%, 47.77%, and 50.00%, respectively, after sequential fermentation and decreased by 15.15%, 26.72%, 35.26%, and 43.80%, respectively, after cofermentation, compared with that of the parental strain. In addition, Ilv6 inactivation not only decreased the acetic acid content but also balanced the flavor profile in wine effectively. This work provided a valuable insight...
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