Characterization of differences between prostate cancer (PCa) patients presenting as de novo versus primary progressive metastatic disease.

285 Background: In 2014 alone, 29,480 men are projected to die of PCa (Cancer Statistics, 2014).Approximately 4% are metastatic on presentation (de novo, dn) while a subset of men progress on to metastatic disease during the course of their disease (primary progressive, pp). We sought to characterize and compare differences in disease characteristics and outcomes between those who present as dn vs pp metastatic disease in our institution. Methods: A retrospective chart review of dn vs pp metastatic patients for the past 2 years was undertaken. Characteristics such as demographics, Gleason score, duration of hormone sensitivity, and treatment, were obtained. T-test and Fisher’s exact test were used to test differences in patient and disease characteristics between dn and pp metastatic patients. Results: Preliminary results on 10 de novo and 13 primary progressive patients are presented herein. Statistically significant differences were noted for median age at diagnosis: de novo 66.5 years of age (range=48-...
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