The interactive global fire module pyrE

Abstract. Fires affect the composition of the atmosphere and Earth’s radiation balance by emitting a suite of reactive gases and particles. An interactive fire module in an Earth System Model (ESM) allows us to study the natural and anthropogenic drivers, feedbacks, and interactions of open fires. To do so, we have developed pyrE, the NASA GISS interactive fire emissions module. The pyrE module is driven by environmental variables like flammability and cloud-to-ground lightning, calculated by the GISS ModelE ESM, and parameterized anthropogenic impacts based on population density data. Fire emissions are generated from the actual flaming phase in pyrE (fire count), not the scar left behind (burned area), as is commonly done in other interactive fire modules. Using pyrE, we examine fire behavior, regional fire suppression, burned area, fire emissions, and how it all affects atmospheric composition. To do so, we evaluate pyrE by comparing it to satellite-based datasets of fire count, burned area, fire emissions, and aerosol optical depth (AOD). We demonstrate pyrE’s ability to simulate the daily and seasonal cycles of open fires and resulting emissions. Our results indicate that interactive fire emissions are bias low by 32–42 %, depending on emitted species, compared to the GFED4s inventory. The bias in emissions drives underestimation in column densities, which is diluted by natural and anthropogenic emissions sources and production and loss mechanisms. Yet, in terms of AOD, a simulation with interactive fire emissions performs just as well as a simulation with prescribed fire emissions.
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