Menuju Kebijaksanaan Angkutan Umum Yang Fokus Dan Seimbang Bagi Regulator, Operator Dan Pengguna

Generally, government polia; is defined to protect public transport operators and to determinate operator business which can reach sustainable of business public transport, equity and efficiena;. Sustainable impliazte operator fur reuenue accepted which am cmier their expenditure, so operators can protect their wlwle aperationnl S1JSfems. EqHihJ relnti: to cnpabilihJ and distnbution of people income, so that fare can be reached m; all level income of people, whereas efficiena; can contribute to economical efficiena;. With multicriteria analysis and cause-effect analysis (jishbone) approaches to senrice qualitt;, affectivities of business SlJStem and gcmernment regulntion can focus on polietJ system and optimal SlJSfem related to goal which can be reached. Tiie analysis can result comprehensizie poliCIJ and clarity objectives. Polia; instruments consist of fare, route regulntion, testing, licensing and other instruments that will be arranged such as demand, supply, market stnicture and etc. Finally performance resulted from this poliClj prmride more priorihJ lu;pped bij gmiernment, operators and users. The result of the study in Indonesia is obtained that poliCIJ implementation should be distinguished public transport operator betmxn inter cities and within cihJ. 171us for public transport condition and polia; needed slwuld different such as highway, railwm;, seaport and air transport. Key word: instnmien ts, goo! and perfomumce policies
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