Identification of target genes for the Xenopus Hes-related protein XHR1, a prepattern factor specifying the midbrain–hindbrain boundary

Abstract The midbrain–hindbrain boundary (MHB) acts as a local organizer in the development of the CNS in vertebrates. Previously, we identified an MHB-specific bHLH-WRPW transcriptional repressor gene, Xenopus Hes-related 1 ( XHR1 ), which is initially expressed in the presumptive MHB (pre-MHB) region at the early gastrula stage. To better understand the gene cascades involved in MHB formation, we investigated the genes downstream from XHR1 by differential screening using a Xenopus cDNA macroarray and a dexamethasone (DEX)-inducible, dominant-negative transcriptional activator construct of XHR1 (XHR1-VP16-GR). Among the newly identified candidate target genes of XHR1 were Enhancer of split-related genes (ESR1, ESR3/7, and ESR9 ) and Xenopus laevis cleavage 2 ( XLCL2 ). XHR1-VP16-GR induced the expression of the ESR genes and XLCL2 as well as Xdelta1 , Xngnr1 , and XHR1 itself in the presence of DEX even after pretreatment with the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide. This suggests that these genes are direct targets of XHR1. XHR1-knockdown experiments with antisense morpholino oligos and ectopic expression of wild-type XHR1 revealed that XHR1 is necessary and sufficient to repress ESR genes in the pre-MHB region. Misexpression of the ESR genes in the pre-MHB region repressed the MHB marker gene, Pax2 , suggesting that the repression of the ESR genes by XHR1 is at least partly required for the early development of the pre-MHB. Our data also show that XHR1 is not activated by Notch signaling, differing from ESR genes. Taken together, we propose a model in which XHR1 defines the pre-MHB region as a prepattern gene by repressing those possible direct target genes.
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