Диагностический алгоритм при остром аппендиците у беременных

Results of treatment of 23 pregnant women on materials of the surgical department of Hospital for veterans of wars in Kazan in three years were analysed From them 15 (65,2%) pregnant women with the confirmed diagnosis of acute appendicitis have been operated, under anaesthetic. Among the operated: phlegmonic appendicitis was revealed at 7 (47%) patients, catarrhal at 8 (53%). According to literature the acute appendicitis during pregnancy meets in 0,03 — 5,2% of cases. According to our data, the acute appendicitis was noted in 0,7% of cases from total of the operated patients. The most frequent symptoms of the operated patients: morbidity at a palpation in the right iliac and right mezogastral area at 11 patients (73,3%), Kokher’s symptom at 6 patients (40%), Sitkovsky and Bartomye—Michelson at 8 patients (53,3%), Shchetkin’s symptom—Blyumberg was revealed at 2 patients (13,3%). In 3 (20%) cases the diagnostic laparoscopy with the subsequent conversion for an appendektomiya in I trimester of pregnancy, without complications is executed.
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