Temperature-dependent physical properties of egg white for HIFU applications

Because egg white denatures at elevated temperature due to its protein content, it has the potential for use as a blood coagulation surrogate in pre-clinical evaluations of thermal therapy procedures such as high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) surgery. We therefore have measured the relevant physical properties of egg white, including coagulation temperature, frequency-dependent attenuation, sound speed, viscosity, and thermal properties, as a function of temperature (20 - 95°C). Thermal coagulation and attenuation (5-12 MHz) of cow blood, pig blood, and human blood also were assessed and compared with egg white. For a 30 s thermal exposure, both egg white and blood samples started to denature at 65°C and coagulate into an elastic gel at 85°C. The temperature-dependent parameters were found to be similar to that of the blood samples. For example, the attenuation of egg white ranged from 0.23f1.09 to 2.7f0.5 dB/cm over the 20°C - 95°C range. These results suggest that egg white would make a useful blo...
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