불용성 골격근 근위축 : 인체의 적용

Several types of disuse atrophy have been observed in humans. First, skeletal muscle atrophy is commonly observed in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). Paralysis occurs secondary to a lesion on the upper motor neuron pathway below the level of the lesion. This disruption occurs after SCI and leads to severe muscle atrophy. Second, decreased muscle use after bone fracture increases protein degradation. Lastly, astronauts in space who are away from gravity also experience loss of muscle mass and bone mineral content in space after even a few days of weightlessness. Preventing disuse atrophy of skeletal muscle is key to facilitating recovery and reducing hospitalization. Currently, various disuse models such as immobilization, cordotomy, and hindlimb unloading have been developed to mimic human conditions in clinics. A better understanding of muscle adaptation in animal models can help the development of an effective therapeutic strategy in clinics.
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