March Air Force Base, Strategic Air Command, Combat Operations Center, 5220 Riverside Drive, Moreno Valley, Riverside County, CA

Significance: Building 2605 was determined eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places on November 27, 1995 under Criterion Consideration G as a significant Cold War-era structure. The Combat Operations Center building has strong associations with the Cold War-era Strategic Air Command (SAC) operations as the command center for 10 SAC bases and controller of assets constituting 80% of the nation's Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) force. In addition, the Center also controlled all of SAC's reconnaissance aircraft (U-2, RC-15, SR-17) and 30% of the SAC's bombers and tankers. The structure's architecture reflects the designer's intention to provide a secure environment against attack or surveillance from the nation's Cold War-era enemies and is literally "self-contained" with its own supplies of water and air purification systems housed in adjacent facility Building 2606 (HABS CA-2788-B) and the Cooling Tower for Utility Building 2606 (HABS CA-2788-C). Survey number: HABS CA-2788-A
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