ptimization Algorithm for Multi-o ring in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Abstract —Due to the proliferation of smaand the developments in wireless communica tnetworks (MANETs) are gaining more and recent years. Routing in MANETs is a chawhen the network contains a large numbeclustering technique is a popular method to oin MANETs. It divides the network into sevassigns a cluster head to each cluster for intracommunication. Clustering is NP-hard and multiple objectives. In this paper we propose acolony optimization (ACO) algorithm tomultiobjective optimization problem. A new eproposed to reduce the size of search space, anscheme is proposed to generate high-effectively. Experimental results show that better than several benchmark approaches. I. I NTRODUCTION With the rise of the fourth generation (4Gstandards and the growing usage of mdevices such as Personal Digital Assistants phones, MANETs have become more and recent years. MANET is a self-self-configuring multi-hop wireless ncomprises of a set of mobile hosts that cfreely and cooperate to pass data between efixed infrastructures. It has the advantagplug-and-play convenience, and flexibiliwireless communication in places where fixare hard to be set up, for examplein battle fields, mountain areas, and temporary conferencemobile devices. An MANET is often constructed by hundevices in the real world, and it encounteproblem in the traditional flat form [1]. In tnode needs to record the information (node of all other nodes in the network, and it is h athe information when the number of Clustering leads to a hierarchical form. Nodonly need to keep the information of the chelps to deal with the scalability problem.
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