Cytological studies of the ductuli efferentes of the opossum.

Ductuli efferentes in four examined genera of family Didelphidae are organized into highly convoluted tubules, located within a conical body adjacent to the vascular plexus supplying the testis. They have yellowish-green color in the adult Didelphis virginiana and grey pink color in other genera. The ductuli efferentes in all examined animals are lined by very low columnar cells, covered by microvilli or booth cilia and microvilli. Histochemical analysis reveals several types of cytoplasmic granules in the genera examined. A single sperical body about 1.5 μ in diameter is found in epithelial cells of the four eyed opossum (genus Philander); this body stains positively for RNA and non-histone protein, and appears granular under the electron microscope, without a limiting membrane. Abundant cytoplasmic bodies in the Virginia opossum show strong reactions for SH groups; these granules may be responsible for the green color of the ductuli in this species. Ultrastructural studies show that the morphology of membrane limited granules in the ductuli of the examined genera is characteristic for each genus. Abundant pinocytotic vacuoles in the apices of these cells and a strongly positive alkaline phosphatase reaction suggest a marked absorptive activity of epithelial cells.
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