Os biomas e o clima das capitais do Brasil (The biomes and climate of Brazilian capitals)

O clima tem forte influencia sobre os tipos de vegetacao e o Brasil apresenta diferentes tipos de clima e de biomas. O objetivo deste trabalho e comparar, com auxilio da analise estatistica multivariada, os diferentes tipos de clima existentes nas capitais brasileiras, relacionando-os aos varios biomas. Foram obtidos os seguintes dados climaticos das capitais: temperatura media anual, media das maximas, media das minimas, insolacao media anual, evaporacao media anual, umidade relativa anual, media do total pluviometrico anual e da disponibilidade hidrica. Os dados foram utilizados para formar grupos (analise de cluster) e, depois dos grupos formados, foi feita a analise de variância e identificadas as medias. Dois grandes grupos (A e B) e cinco subgrupos se formaram. No subgrupo A1, estao as capitais do sul do Pais e uma do sudeste, sendo que a Mata Atlântica predomina; no A12, capitais do sudeste e centro oeste e o Cerrado predomina. No subgrupo B11, na faixa litorânea do sudeste ate o nordeste, predomina a Mata Atlântica e o subgrupo B12 pertence ao Bioma Amazonia. O bioma mais representado nas capitais brasileiras e a Mata Atlântica, com 10 capitais, seguido do Cerrado com 7 e a Amazonia, com 6. A Caatinga e o Pampa estao representados por uma capital cada e ainda ha duas capitais em transicao de bioma: Belo Horizonte e Natal. A maior presenca de capitais no bioma Mata Atlântica deve-se ao processo de colonizacao, do litoral para o interior do pais, o que justifica tambem a sua forte degradacao. A B S T R A C T The climate has a strong influence on vegetation types and Brazil presents different types of climate and biomes. The objective of this work is to compare, with the aid of multivariate statistical analysis, the Brazilian capitals regarding the climate and relate them to the biomes. The following climatic data were taken: annual mean temperature, maximum average, minimum average, annual mean isolation, annual average evaporation, annual relative humidity and mean annual rainfall and water availability. After the groups were formed, analysis of variance was performed and means were identified. Two large groups (A and B) and five subgroups were formed. The subgroup A1 is formed by the capitals of the south of the Country and one of the southeast and Atlantic Forest predominates, in the A12, capitals of the southeast and center west, where Savannah dominates. In the subgroup B11, the Atlantic Forest predominates, in the coastal strip from the southeast to the northeast and the subgroup B12 belongs to the Amazon Biome. The most represented biome is the Atlantic Forest, with 10 capitals, followed by the Savannah with 7 and the Amazon with 6. There is one in the Caatinga and another in the Pampa and there are still two capitals in transition from biome: Belo Horizonte and Natal. The predominant presence of Atlantic Forest Biome is due to the colonization process of Brazil, from the coast to the interior, which justifies the fact that it is the most degraded biome among them. Keywords: Atlantic Forest, multivariate analysis, temperature, precipitation.
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