Ultrastructure and adrenergic innervation of preglomerular arterioles in the euryhaline teleost salmo gairdneri

The opisthonephric kidney of the rainbow trout was investigated by light- and electron microscopy and a fluorescent-histochemical technique for biogenic amines was used. Preglomerular sphincters at the origin of afferent arterioles are present in this euryhaline teleost. The branching point of the afferent arteriole is characterized by (i) the formation of a right angle with the parent vessel, (ii) circularly arranged smooth muscle cells of the tunica media, (iii) additional circularly arranged smooth muscle cells intercalated between endothelium and tunica media, and (iv) a collar-like arrangement of several large endothelial cells with elaborate marginal folds and abundant myoendothelial junctions. A dense adrenergic innervation displaying specific fluorescence was found along the terminal arterioles and afferent arterioles, and conspicuously at the preglomerular sphincters. These results are suggestive of a neural participation in kidney function. They are discussed on the basis of recent evidence from pharmacological and physiological experiments for neural involvement in glomerular intermittency.
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