N-β-Alanyldopamine levels and synthesis in integument and other tissues of Manduca sexta (L.) during the larval-pupal transformation

Abstract N - β -Alanyldopamine (NBAD) and other diphenols in tissues of the fifth larval instar of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.), were analyzed by HPLC with electrochemical detection. NBAD accumulated in the integument during the intermolt feeding period, with maximal levels in the wandering stage (6 mmol/g). It then declined to a low level during apolysis and endocuticle digestion, while hemolymph NBAD increased during the same interval to a peak concentration (3 mM) shortly before pupal ecdysis. Trachea and foregut contained lesser amounts of NBAD (0.5 mmol/g), perhaps associated with cuticle, whereas fat body, muscle, midgut and hindgut had 0.1 mmol/g or less. Dopamine (DA), N -acetyldopamine and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) were at least 10-fold less abundant than NBAD in the integument. NBAD synthase, which catalyzes the formation of NBAD from DA and β-alanine, was assayed in both integument and fat body. Highest activity was detected in the integument, where two peaks were observed, one at day 3 near the end of larval feeding and the other at day 9 as pupal cuticle tanning was initiated. Fat body enzyme was substantially less and was detected only in the pharate pupa. Maximal NBAD synthesis by integument cultured in vitro was dependent upon DA supplementation of at least 1.4 mM. 20-Hydroxyecdysone did not alter NBAD synthesis in vitro in either the integument or the fat body, even though injection of this hormone into isolated larval abdomens induced synthesis and/or transport of integumental NBAD back into the hemolymph. The rate-limiting steps in the NBAD biosynthetic pathway appear to be the production of DOPA and DA, because β-alanine occurs in the hemolymph at relatively high levels throughout larval-pupal development.
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