Tumor necrosis factor-α can induce Langhans-type multinucleated giant cell formation derived from myeloid dendritic cells

The formation of the rich cellular features of MGCs, where the nuclei are arranged circularly at the periphery of the cell (morphologically epithelioid; Langhans-type), is assumed to be associated with any granulomatous disease. The mechanism by which TNF controls the formation of human MGCs in vitro was investigated, focusing on the effect of the TNF-neutralizing antibody. Peripheral blood monocytes were isolated with mAb-coated immunologic magnetic beads and cultured for 10 days in the presence of 20 ng/mL GM-CSF and 10 ng/mL IL-4. These cells were further incubated in the presence of TNF-α with/without its blockade antibodies for 14 days. Myeloid DCs can be generated from peripheral blood monocytes, and both IL-4 and GM-CSF can provide sufficient stimulus for their differentiation. The formation of MGC can be induced in the presence of TNF-α. This reaction was prohibited by the presence of the TNF-neutralizing antibody but not by the presence of anti-TNF receptor II antibody. The activation of Rho and focal adhesion kinases induced by TNF-α stimulation might be linked to cell assembling and the formation of Langhans-type MGCs. MGCs can produce only small amounts of superoxide anions compared to isolated macrophages such as myeloid DCs.
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