Basic Movement Standardization of the Pathol Sarang Martial Sport

The purpose of this research is to make standardization of the basic movements of the pathol martial arts sportwhich is intended to identify the basic movements of the pathol martial arts by using logical science principlesso that it can be used/played by everyone, then it can provide convenience in its development so that thetraditional Pathol martial arts can be easily learned by the public. In general, the research approach used inthis research is descriptive qualitative using a case study research design. This approach is used because thefocus is on testing one phenomenon, namely the basic motion of the pathol nest martial arts. It takes carefulpreparation in determining participants, places, and data collection because this research is changing anddeveloping according to changes in findings in the field. a place where researchers conduct research. Thisresearch was conducted in the coastal area of Sarang sub-district (Bajingjowo village, Temperak village, andKarangmangu village), which is the only area that still maintains the pathol nest martial arts. The focus ofthis research is to examine in depth the classification of the basic movements of pathol martial arts throughidentification and then analysis by paying attention to scientific principles that will produce standard patholbasic motion. This research is studied through philosophical studies, sociological studies, motor learningstudies, sports biomechanics studies, and psychological studies. Standardization of the basic motion of thepathol is carried out by transforming the existing basic motion which is then developed to become a standardbasic motion which is mutually agreed upon between the elders, midfielders, players and members of thepathol community so that it can be accepted by all levels.
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