The distribution of heavy metals in a transect of the three states the Netherlands, Germany and Poland, determined with the aid of moss monitoring

Abstract The use of moss analyses to determine possible metal pollution in a three-country transect consisting of the Netherlands, Germany and Poland is described. In the countries involved, samples of Pleurozium schreberi, Scleropodium purum, Hypnum cupressiforme and Hylocomium splendens were collected at a total of 806 sampling points and analyzed for Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, V and Zn. The results are presented in the form of coloured contour maps using the Geographic Information System (GIS) ARC-Info. With the aid of moss monitoring it was possible to characterize most of the different industrial locations and sources of pollution within the transect. Moreover, the results documented the level of technological development in the western and eastern states when these were compared. The differences became very apparent in the form of steep west-east concentration gradients, especially for the elements iron, vanadium and lead; in the case of the eastern parts of the transect they reflect sources of emissions that are typical of the area. In the main these are the primary users of coal as an energy source and the low technical standard in respect of measures to minimize emissions. In some cases, the maps also indicate possible pollution across international borders and thus situations that do not only result from sources within a specific country. With regard to the methods of sampling and analysis, any element-specific and systematic differences can be made visible on the summarized element maps and thus permit a final check.
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