RF System Development for the New 108 MHz Heavy Ion High-Energy Linac at GSI

The GSI heavy ion linac UNILAC is in operation successfully since about 40 years. A replacement of the post stripper section is proposed to provide heavy ion beams for the future FAIR facility. Design studies for a new 108 MHz high-energy (HE) linac optimized to accelerate high brilliance and high current ion beams up to U28+ for synchrotron injection are in progress. Thus, the UNILAC will be converted into a short-pulse accelerator, the RF duty cycle being reduced from around 30 % to ≤ 2 %. To feed the future HE linac and to prepare for the FAIR commissioning, a major modernisation of the existing post stripper RF systems is planned from 2015 to 2017. Besides, the development of a new 1.8 MW cavity amplifier prototype was started recently, based on the widely-used THALES tetrode TH 558SC promising an availability for at least 25 years. New 120 –150 kW solid state driver amplifiers will replace the existing tube drivers. A digital LLRF system designed by industry was integrated into an existing amplifier driving a single gap resonator and was tested including ion beam tests. An overview of the RF system design and of the planned upgrades is reported including some results of the dLLRF tests.
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