Characterization of side reactions during the annealing of small interfering RNAs

Abstract Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are emerging as a novel therapeutic modality for the specific inhibition of target gene expression. The development of siRNA-based therapeutics requires in-depth knowledge of the manufacturing process as well as adequate analytical methods to characterize this class of molecules. Here the impurity formation during the annealing of siRNA was investigated. Two siRNAs containing common chemical RNA modifications (2′- O -methyl, 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro, 2′-deoxy-ribose, and phosphorothioate linkages) were used to determine major side reactions—such as 2′,3′-isomerization, strand scission, and HF elimination—depending on annealing parameters such as RNA concentration, presence of cations, temperature, and time. Individual impurities were characterized using analytical size exclusion chromatography, denaturing and nondenaturing ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry, and ultraviolet spectrometry. The degradation pathways described in this work can lead to significantly reduced product quality and compromised drug activity. The data reported here provide background to successfully address challenges associated with the manufacture of siRNAs and other nucleic acid therapeutics such as aptamers, spiegelmers, and decoy and antisense oligonucleotides.
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