Expression and antiviral function of ARGONAUTE 2 in Nicotiana benthamiana plants infected with two isolates of tomato ringspot virus with varying degrees of virulence

Abstract ARGONAUTEs (notably AGO1 and AGO2) are effectors of plant antiviral RNA silencing. AGO1 was shown to be required for the temperature-dependent symptom recovery of Nicotiana benthamiana plants infected with tomato ringspot virus (isolate ToRSV-Rasp1) at 27 °C. In this study, we show that symptom recovery from isolate ToRSV-GYV shares similar hallmarks of antiviral RNA silencing but occurs at a wider range of temperatures (21–27 °C). At 21 °C, an early spike in AGO2 mRNAs accumulation was observed in plants infected with either ToRSV-Rasp1 or ToRSV-GYV but the AGO2 protein was only consistently detected in ToRSV-GYV infected plants. Symptom recovery from ToRSV-GYV at 21 °C was not prevented in an ago2 mutant or by silencing of AGO1 or AGO2 . We conclude that other factors (possibly other AGOs) contribute to symptom recovery under these conditions. The results also highlight distinct expression patterns of AGO2 in response to ToRSV isolates and environmental conditions.
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