Modes of selenium occurrence and LCD modeling of selenite desorption/adsorption in soils around the selenium-rich core, Ziyang County, China

Studying the modes of selenium occurrence in high-Se soils and its behaviors can improve understanding and evaluating its cycling, flux, and balance in geo-ecosystems and its influence on health. In this paper, using a modified sequential chemical extraction technique, seven operationally defined selenium fractions and Se valence distribution were determined about five soils in which paddy was planted (W1, W2, W3, W4, W5) and five soils in which maize was planted (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5) around the selenium-rich core, Ziyang County, Shaanxi Province, China. The results show that selenium fractions in the soils mainly include sulfide/selenide and base-soluble Se, and ligand-exchangeable Se is also high for five soils in which paddy was planted. For water-soluble Se, Se (IV) is main Se valence and almost no Se (VI) was determined about five soils in which paddy was planted, while almost 1:1 of Se (IV) and Se (VI) coexist about five soils in which maize was planted. For exchangeable Se, similar results were found. For the first time, two typical high-Se soils (W1 soil and H1 soil) were chosen to measure the pH-dependent solid-solution distribution of selenite in the pH range 3–9, and the results were explained using LCD (ligand and charge distribution) adsorption modeling. The desorbed selenite concentrations from the two soils are in general underestimated by the model due to a comparable binding affinity of phosphate and selenite on goethite and much lower amount of total selenite than total reactively adsorbed phosphate. The pH dependency of adsorption of selenite added to the soil can be successfully described with the LCD model for W1 soil. Whereas considering the influence of Al-oxides, by lowering selenite adsorption affinity constant K of Se adsorption on goethite by 16 times, the LCD model can describe the adsorption much better. The results can help to understand selenium cycling, flux, and balance in typical high-Se soils.
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