An RF bunch-length monitor for the SLC final focus

In preparation for the 1997 SLC run, a novel RF bunch-length monitor has been installed in the SLC South Final Focus. The monitor consists of a ceramic gap in the beam pipe, a 160-ft long X-band waveguide (WR90), and a set of dividers, tapers and microwave detectors. Electromagnetic fields radiated through the ceramic gap excite modes in the nearby open-ended X-band waveguide, which transmits the beam-induced signal to a radiation-free shack outside of the beamline vault. There, a combination of power dividers, tapers, waveguides, and crystal detectors is used to measure the signal power in 4 separate frequency channels between 7 and 110 GHz. For typical rms bunch lengths of 0.5-2 mm in the SLC, the bunch frequency spectrum can extend up to 100 GHz. In this paper, we present the overall monitor layout, describe MAFIA calculations of the signal coupled into the waveguide based on a detailed model of the complex beam-pipe geometry, estimate the final power level at the RF conversion points, and report the measured transmission properties of the installed waveguide system.
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