An investigation about entrepreneurship politics in Turkey: 1923-1929 Cumhuriyet ile birlikte girişimciliği etkileyen polikalar üzerine bir inceleme: 1923-1929

The entrepreneurship which has been understood so late as an important concept in Economics is a center of economic development at the present day. The entrepreneurship is seen the power of economic growth and improvement. Therefore the way which Turkish entrepreneur class followed is important for Turkish economic history. The aim of this study is to analysis economic thought and economic politics that affects evolution of entrepreneur class from 1923 to 1929 which is the period named Liberal Term. Ozet Iktisat bilimi icerisinde onemi gec anlasilan girisimcilik kavrami gunumuzde iktisadi gelismenin merkezinde yer almaktadir. Girisimcilik ekonomik buyume ve kalkinmanin motoru olarak gorulmektedir. Bu acidan Turk girisimci sinifinin izledigi yol, Turk Iktisat tarihinde onemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu calismanin amaci; Liberal donem olarak da adlandirilan, Cumhuriyet’in kurulusundan 1929’a kadar gecen sure zarfinda, girisimci sinifin gelisimini etkileyen dusunce ortamininin ve uygulanan politikalarin degerlendirilmesidir.
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